Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Disadvantages of Smart Dust

When we encounter the development of technologies like Smart Dust there's an obvious fear that comes to mind that many people already experience with the growth of the Internet, digital media, and the increase of surveillance devices around the city. This the "Big Brother fear" or the fear of being watched and having no privacy. this is a real concern that needs to be addressed if developers of this technologies them to be accepted and embraced by the public.
Another concern is that the environment will become polluted with motes as motes that are used to measure atmospheric and climate conditions start to land an accumulate on land and water. Pister, who introduced the concept of Smart Dust, disagrees with this last argument he argues that since mots do not need to be in really close distances to do communicate with each other and since they come at a cost only the necessary amount will be deployed.

Image from:  Badger Blog Alliance.

Image 2 from:  Automates Intelligents.

"Smart Dust" May Soon Be Watching You". (November, 2004).

 March of the Motes. (august, 2003). NewScientist.

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